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Ford Transit Custom spare wheel lock
SKU 00077
Price incl.
VAT (20%) £13.00
Product Details
The Spare wheel Lock has been developed to specifically address and combat the growing problem of spare wheel theft from commercial vehicles. Whilst many people do not fully recognize this problem, those who have experienced it appreciate the average cost for replacing the wheel/ tyre and repairing the damage caused by the theft along with the work time lost whilst the vehicle is off the road.
Many vehicle operators believe the only way to stop their vehicle spare wheels being stolen is to remove them and either store them back at a depot or store them inside the vehicle (reducing the carrying capacity of the vehicle and becoming a potentially fatal hazard as a shifting load).
Key Features:
- Quick & easy installation
- Bespoke locking system - with one person operation
- Utilises existing lowering mechanism for easy operation.
- Great visual deterrent
- Maintenance free – Internal locking/unlocking
- Spare wheel doesn’t have to be hidden in the load area or left at depot
Ford Transit Custom spare wheel lock
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Due to a large number of orders some of our security products are on back order. If you could please call the office to confirm they are in stock. Mainly the Hykee rep locks and bezels are on back order. Thank you Just Transits
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